Английский в рекламе. 2 эссе на страничку-полторы тетради, 1 презентация, 2 письменных задания (анализ сайта и анализ рекламного текста). Тема по рекламе, но никаких глубоких знаний не нужно, ниже подробный план. Не пугайтесь объема, просто он ОЧЕНЬ подробный) Суперзаумные слова тоже не нужны и блистательная презентация нет. Просто сделать нормально, как среднестатистический студент, сильно не расписывать, главное – строго по пунктам и во время. Дедлайн 31.05 22:00. Предлагайте вашу цену
1. Эссе по теме "Time management" (what helps you to organize your time, to
manage all activities, what are your priorities) плюс расписание вашего рабочего дня по часам.
2. Presentation on the topic "Promotion of a product / service".
You should choose any real product / service and make a presentation according
to the following plan: 1. Describe a product (price, quality, benefits in
comparison to competetors, design etc.). 2. Describe a target audience
(sociodemographic, geographic, psychographic criteria etc.). 3. Your ideas on
outdoor advertising, message for media. 4. Think of a special event to promote
your product / service. 5. SMM.
3.Content analysis of any site (Criteria: 1. Completeness of information (is
it enough information, are all data mentioned. 2. Social significance of
information (is it important for its target audience, are there some active
links to other resources). 3. Relevance of information (how often is
information updated). 4. Availability of data (does it meet the level of
users, readability (is colours combination good, istype large enough), is it
easy to search for information). 5. PR tools (are there some links to
documents, video, presentations, photos).
4. Essay: Advantages / disadvantages of distant education for full-time
students (you know the new trends of our university politics: to combine
traditional and distant education for all students). Would you like to study
some subjects on distant platform, if yes, what can they be).
5. Analysis of an advertising text (Criteria. 1. Client (is the text actual
for target audience, how does it characterise the client (negative (he cannot
or is not able to do smth.(negative) or he does not have time, wants to do
smth. better (positive), possible associations which text can bear). 2. Style
(is it easy to read /listen to the text, are sentenses not long, is it enough
facts, is there a slogan, is the text original or boring, is it motivating,
can it be interesting for those who is not the target audience of the
product). 3. Accents (are commercual arguments clear to t.a., is the title
connected with the text). 4. Traps (is it easy to critisize the text, can it
bear some negative sound associations, are some mems, parodies are likely to
appear after having read the text).