● Python
○ Data analysis (numpy, pandas, scipy, etc.);
○ Data visualization (matplotlib, plotly, seaborn, etc.);
○ Machine learning (sklearn, pytorch, etc.);
○ Symbolic mathematics (sympy);
○ Web parsing and testing automatization (requests, asyncio, selenium, etc.);
○ Backend development (Django);
○ Biomedical data analysis (Biopython, etc.);
● R language
○ Statistical data analysis;
○ Analysis of gene expression;
● LabView
○ Fast development of automated test systems;
○ Working with measuring equipment;
● SolidWorks
○ 3D modeling;
○ Studying the motion of complex assemblies;
○ Simulations of the work of parts and assemblies, taking into account power loads,
temperature, etc;
● Solidity
○ Development of smart contracts on Ethereum blockchain ;
● SQL (basic level);
● C (basic level).
Stepik online courses: Algorithms: Theory, Practice, Methods, and Data Structures (source: Computer Science Center); Probability Theory (source: Computer Science Center); Molecular Biology and Genetics (source: Bioinformatics Institute); Introduction to Linux (source: Bioinformatics Institute); Django from Scratch in Practice (source: Septic Academy).